
Coming Home - Hospital2home services


The beginning of the year comes with its own new year fatigue and most of us drown in our thoughts, especially people living with chronic illness. There’s no excuse for negative energy, this is the year to adjust to your current lifestyle, take care of your health, eat healthy and start slaying in whatever you do. Positive vibes only for 2022.

You might be wondering how to stay positive while living with a chronic illness especially in a new year, well this articles will answer some of your questions and gives tips on how to improve. Firstly, having a chronic illness is like having a second full-time job. On top of managing the ins and outs of a rigorous, sometimes burdensome health program, dealing with the symptoms and ramifications of a chronic illness can take a toll on your mental health, too.

According to Dr. Gilliand, some people dealing with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or another kind of chronic illness may also have depression. That’s why it’s more important than ever to focus on getting your mind right, honing in on positivity.

Ways to Stay Positive If You Have a Chronic Illness

  1. Remind yourself you’re not alone

This understanding and awareness can help you feel more in control, less helpless, and abler to take action and get the support you need. Find a support group with people who are going through a similar situation, or turn to people who care about you most, like family and friends.

  1. Get the support you need

It’s imperative that you have a support system as soon as the new year begins and a plan for your mental health, because according to Dr. Gilliland, stress and mental ailments can suppress our immune system.

  1. Manage all the symptoms you can

Don’t let yourself get bogged down by side effects. Whether it’s headaches, an upset stomach, or dry mouth, the more you can manage your symptoms, the more you can focus on feeling good.

  1. Make little goals

“Don’t compare yourself to somebody else, or to people in general — if you’re going to compare, compare yourself with how you were yesterday or one week ago.

Coming home organization gives weekly tips, advices and health diet plan on our Facebook page make sure to visit so that we can make your life a lot easier and remember #weareinthistogether

life after stroke

Life After Stroke

Living a normal life can be challenging after stroke, it cannot happen overnight. It a work in progress that takes dedication, effort, positive mindset, support etc. Life after stroke is difficult but doable and possible.

This article will help you with tips of dealing with Life after stroke, routines and adjusting to your new life while living a healthy and happy life again.

After a stroke, routine activities can be a challenge. Getting dressed, making a sandwich, doing laundry – these tasks become huge obstacles.

With the help of Coming Home Organisation(CHO): Hospital to Home Support is a registered NPO that provides intensive health care, diet, lifestyle support etc. Here are some tips and gadgets that might be helpful:

Dressing Tips for Life after stroke Survivors

  • According to American Stroke Association life after stroke, even simple tasks can be daunting, especially getting dressed. Don’t lose faith — the goal is to return to your normal dressing routines as soon as you can.
  • Generally, use your unaffected arm to dress the affected side first. To undress, take the garment off the unaffected side, then remove it from the affected side. Here are a few tips to get you started:
  • Choose loose-fitting clothes and silky fabrics. They’re easier to slip on and off than polyester or flannel.
  • Lay out your clothes before dressing.
  • Dress while sitting. It’s easiest.

Shirts and jackets

  • Choose coats and jackets lined with slippery fabrics like satin, silk or nylon. These are easier to put on than unlined garments.
  • Opt for knits. They don’t wrinkle.
  • Practice buttoning and unbuttoning with the shirt on your lap.
  • Put your affected arm in the sleeve first.
  • Start buttoning a shirt from the bottom.
  • Button the sleeve for your strong arm before you put the shirt on. To unbutton that sleeve, grab the corner of the buttonhole with your teeth and maneuver it until the

Socks and shoes

  • Sit down to put on socks and shoes. Put your foot on a footstool (or box).
  • Write an “R” inside the right shoe and an “L” in the left shoe.
  • Buy slip-on shoes.
  • Insert Velcro closures in place of shoelaces.

For more of life after stroke and other chronic disease tips follow us on our social media: Coming Home